Multiple filters and grouping options are available in your reporting module.
It's important to know the filter for the account mode. This filter is not explicitly explained in the examples. If you want to create a report for you client, you should set the filter to "Internal & Billable". This way all projects, set with those two account modes are calculated and displayed. If your "internal" projects are not client relevant, then of course the setting "Billable" is better. "Not billable" projects (Do not bill), should not be relevant for your clients.
On the left side of your reporting module you can find the tabs "Users" and "Clients". Those are your filter settings. You can easily filter for one or more users and for multiple clients.
Following combinations are available. To get to the detailed description, click on a combination.
6.Who worked how much during this month? (G: Month or G: user)
7.How many hours were booked on what client?
8.How many hours were booked within a certain time period (not project related)
9.How many hours were booked monthly/yearly from the users? (First - last timestamp, not user related)
10.What user tracks time for what client (S:Client, G:User)
11.How many hours has a user spent on what task (S:Task, G:User)
13. What user booked time on what account mode (billable, internal, not billable) (S: Acc.mode, G: User)
15. How many hours did the users track over the time period of one year. (S: Year, G: User)
17. How many hours were tracked for what client?
18. How many hours were tracked for each project type, grouped by client?
20. What tasks took the most time per client (S: Task, G: Client, sorted by time needed)
21. How much time was spent per account mode per client? (S: Acc.mode, G: Client)
23. How much time was spent on what clients over the month? (S: Month, G: Client)
24. How much time did a user track over the period of one year per client? (S: Year; G: Client)
25. How many hours were tracked on what project type (You can additionally filter by user)
26. How many hours were tracked on billable, non billable and internal projects (S:Acc. mode)
28. What projects were created, for what client in what currency (S: Project/Client, G: Currency)
30. What tasks were worked on over the month/year? (S: Task, G: Month)
32. How much time was recorded on a certain project type per month/year (S: Project type, G: Month/year)
34. Is there a month with timestamps that have not been billed yet? (S: Timestamp stat., G:Month)
35. How much time was recorded for what project over the month? (S: Month, G: Project)
36. How much time was spend on a certain project over a year? (S: Year, G: Month)
You see, there are multiple combinations available in the reporting. Take your time and work with the reporting until you get used to it. Also look into the options.
Of all billable projects I need all timestamps that have not been billed yet (Acc. mode = "billable", timestamp status = "yet to be billed"
In order to see all timestamps that have not been billed yet, you don't set the filter for a user. You should include all users in this report. The filter for Account mode must be set to "billable". This filter is for the account mode of the projects (billable, internal, not billable). Additionally you should set the timestamp status to "yet to be billed". This way you find all timestamps of billable projects that have not been billed yet.
Summarize for project to see each project and the times that have not been billed yet.
Are there any timestamps of a certain user that are market "not to be billed" even if the project owns the mode "billable"? (timestamp status = not billable)
Projects like "Warranty/Guarantee" or "Meetings" should be tracked as an internal project. This means the cost and time for the user is calculated, but there's no price for billing the client. At the end of a billing period, you can report, how many projects that are "internal" were created and how much time was spent on them. You can either run the report for all users, or you filter for a specific one. Of course you can also set the date range to filter a specific time.
What projects can not be billed to a client and how much time was booked on those projects? (Acc.mode = internal calculation)
Sometimes a user creates a timestamp to a billable project, but decides to not bill the client for this timestamp. In this case the user will mark the timestamp with the mode "not billable". This timestamp will still appear on the report for your client, but the price will be 0.00.
In order to filter the timestamps more specific, you need to change to the tab "Timestamps". There you also set the filter to "Timestamp stat." and the billing Mode "Do not bill". Group by project. Now you'll see that the sum of the project is the same as it was in your "Totals" tab. Additionally you can now check every single timestamp to see why it's been set to "Do not bill". Your users should have written something into the comment field to clarify the situation.
How many hours did a certain user spend on what projects during this month? (S: Main project, G: Users)
Please set the filter for a specific user on the left side of your report module (this is only available in the multi user version). Of course you can set the filter for multiple users or all users as well. Now summarize by Main Project and group by user. Additionally you can set the date filter to filter for a certain date range. In the example it's set to "Last month".
How many hours did all users spend on what projects during this month? (also possible without the date range filter)
In this report you can have two views. You can either summarize per project and group per user, or your summarize per user and group by project. With the first variation you get a user list with the projects and in the second view you get a list of projects with the users listed.
Choose <All users>, in order to create a list of all users. Then summarize by project and group by user or vice versa. Additionally you can always set a date filter.
Who worked how much during this month? (G: Month or G: user)
In this report, choose <All users>. Then summarize by month and group by user. You can also swop the grouping and summarizing in order to get a list grouped by month.
Open the additional Options and deactivate "Seperate entries per billing unit". This way you only get only one result per user instead of multiple. Note that, if you don't deactivate this setting you get a result line for every different price that's set in the project settings.
How many hours were booked on what client?
Chose <All users> and only summarize per client. This way you can see how many hours were tracked for what client. Of course you can always use the date filter as well.
How many hours were booked within a certain time period (not project related)
You need a simple report that tells you how much time a user has tracked over a certain period of time? Summarize by user and set the date filter for the time range you need. (In the screenshot it's set to last month). Additionally you can pick a certain user.
How many hours were booked monthly/yearly from the users? (First - last timestamp, not user related)
In order to get an overview of all tracked timestamps during a day, you can group by user and summarize by day. In this report you see the first and last timestamp created. The "Time needed" is calculated based on those two timestamps. The "Time needed" is not necessarily exactly match the difference, as all timestamps tracked between those two times (first and last timestamp) are added.
Uncheck the option "Separate entries per billing unit" in order to see the Time needed in one lumpsum, otherwise you'll get multiple lines for the same day because of different billing units.
What user tracks time for what client (S:Client, G:User)
You can get an overview of your clients, your users have worked on, when you summarize by client and group by user.
How many hours has a user spent on what task (S:Task, G:User)
You would like to know how much time a user has spent for what task? Choose a single user or <All users> or a specific user. Now you can see if time was booked on a sub project (<without task>) or was booked directly on a task.
What user worked on what project type, e.g. support, bugfixing, meetings and so on (S:Project type, G:User)
If you have defined certain project types for your projects, you can filter for them and see how much time you've spent on each project type. For example you could filter for all timestamps with the project type "Free support" for the year 2015.
What user booked time on what account mode (billable, internal, not billable) (S: Acc.mode, G: User)
You need to know how much time your users have spent on not billable projects? Summarize by "Acc. mode" and group by "User".
Are there existing not billable timestamps of a certain user? Did a user create non billable timestamps? (S: Timestamp st., G: User)
At the end of a billing period it might be interesting to see if there are any timestamps that still own the account mode "to be billed". This way you can filter, if any timestamps haven't been billed yet. Summarize by timestamp status and group by user.
How many hours did the users track over the time period of one year. (S: Year, G: User)
Summarize by year and group by user. This way you can see how much time was tracked per user per year.
How many hours were spent on what client and what projects? (you can also filter for main project, sub project and task) (S: Main project; G: Client)
You would like to know how much time was spend on what project? Summarize by "Main project" and group by "Client".
How many hours were tracked for what client?
In order to report, how much time was spent per client, you should set the Account mode to "Billable and internal calculation". This way you produce a report that also includes the projects that were created for the client, that are not billable to the client but should still be calculated in the total hours spent for that client.
Not billable projects are not interesting in this case.
Summarize by client and set the Account mode to Internal & Billable.
How many hours were tracked for each project type, grouped by client?
Sie haben Ihren Projekten unterschiedliche Projekttypen zugeordnet? Sehr gut, denn jetzt können Sie eine Auswertung fahren und prüfen, wie viele Stunden in bestimmte Projekttypen geflossen sind. Im Beispiel wurden 27 Stunden auf Fahrzeit gebucht.
Who worked for what client in month x (S:Client, G: Month/Year) - Top clients can be displayed graphically.
Chose this setting to find out your most profitable clients of the year! Summarize by client and group by year. Then sort the result by the column price, by clicking on the column header. The client with the highest price will appear first in line.
What tasks took the most time per client (S: Task, G: Client, sorted by time needed)
In order to create a report with the clients that most time was spent on, summarize by "client" and group by "year". Now sort by the column "Time needed". The client with the most time spent on, will appear in the first line.
How much time was spent per account mode per client? (S: Acc.mode, G: Client)
You might be interested in how much time was booked on the different project account modes. Summarize by "Acc. mode" and group by client.
What client has existing non billable timestamps, or are there any non billable timestamps? (S: Timestamp stat., G:Client)
In order to get a list of the projects and timestamps that have not been billed yet, you mus set the Account mode filter to "Billable". Only projects that are billable include timestamps that should be billed to the client.
Summarize by Timestamp status and group by client. Set the account mode to "Billable" and you'll see the list of timestamps, that are billed, billable and not to be billed.
How much time was spent on what clients over the month? (S: Month, G: Client)
Summarize by month and group by client.
How much time did a user track over the period of one year per client? (S: Year; G: Client)
Summarize by "Year" and group by client. This way you get an overview of the timestamps that were created by a user per year. Include internal and billable projects, so the total time is calculated correctly.
How many hours were tracked on what project type (You can additionally filter by user)
If you use project types in your system, you summarize by project type in the reporting. This way you can easily see how much time was spent on what project type. Summarize by Project type and choose a certain or all users.
How many hours were tracked on billable, non billable and internal projects (S:Acc. mode)
To get an overview of the different project account modes, summarize by Acc. mode and choose a user or set the filter to <All users>
Have all project times been billed? Are there any timestamps that have not been billed yet? (Marked as billed) (S: Timestam stat.)
Filter for <All users> and the project account mode "Billalble" to see if there are still any timestamps that have not been billed yet. Of course you can filter for more options to get more information. Or group by client, to see what client is affected.
What projects were created, for what client in what currency (S: Project/Client, G: Currency)
You can use different currencies in Xpert-Timer. You can assign a client a certain currency. In order to check the currency settings you summarize by Project and group by client. This way you can see how the client is billed.
What tasks were fulfilled for what projects (S: Task, G: Project, filter by project and/or client) Question: Has anyone started working on the task?
You want to know if the users have already started working on a certain task? Summarize by task, group by project and choose the client an project you need the information about. You'll see the timestamps created in your report.
What tasks were worked on over the month/year? (S: Task, G: Month)
Summarize by Task and group by Prject. This way you'll see what users have tracked time on what task per month.
How much time was recorded on a certain project type of a certain client? (S: Project type, G:Client)
You need to know how much time was spent per client on the different project types? Summarize by project type and group by client. Additionally you can filter for a certain client. Make sure you set the account mode to internal and billable projects.
How much time was recorded on a certain project type per month/year (S: Project type, G: Month/year)
Set the filter to <All clients> and the Acc. mode to internal & billable. Now summarize by project type and group by month.
Whats the sum of all not billable/billable/not yet billed timestamps of a project? (S: Timestamp stat., G: Project)
In order to see the billable and not billable timestamps created in conjunction with a project, summarize by timestamp stauts and group by project.
Is there a month with timestamps that have not been billed yet? (S: Timestamp stat., G:Month)
Do you wan to check if there are any timestamps that have not been billed yet, grouped by month, then summarize by "Acc. mode" and group by "Month". With these filters you only see timestamps that should be billed to your clients.
How much time was recorded for what project over the month? (S: Month, G: Project)
Summarize by month and gropu by project and set the filter to the Account mode Internal & Billable, if you need to know who much personell time was spent each month. Internal projects are calculated with the hours spent, but are not billed to a client.
How much time was spend on a certain project over a year? (S: Year, G: Month)
Here you can see an overview how much time at all was spent on projects in a year.